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B.J Habibie |
Biography of b. j. Habibie -a lot of people are looking for regarding the story, profiles or short biography of b. j. Habibie. He was a role model and become a pride for many people in Indonesia and also the third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. (HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He was the fourth of eight children, couples Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo.
Habibie who was married to Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962, had two sons namely Ilham and Thareq Akbar Kemal. Habibie's childhood passed along his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Nature firmly hold on to principle has been shown Habibie since childhood. Habibie who has a penchant for horseback riding and reading is known for very intelligent while still occupying the elementary school, but he had to lose his father who died on September 3, 1950 because it had a heart attack while he was praying ' Isha '.
Shortly after his father died, his mother's House and then sell their vehicles and moved to Bandung, after his father along with Habibie, his mother Drudge finance childs life especially Habibie, as willingness to learn Habibie then Gouvernments More study in School. In high school, he began to seem prominent achievements, particularly in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in his school.
Enter ITB and lectures in Germany
Because of his intelligence, after graduating HIGH SCHOOL in bandung in 1954, he entered in the ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung), it was not until there finishes because he gets a scholarship from the Minister of education and culture to continue his studies in Germany, because given the Bung Karno 's message about the importance of aerospace and flight to Indonesia so he chose Aviation Engineering with specialisation in aircraft construction Rhein Westphalia Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) when he arrived in Germany He was determined to dirantau really genuine and should be successful, by remembering his mother's exertion that finance College and his life everyday. A few years later, in 1955 in Aachean, 99% of the students who study in Indonesia there are awarded full scholarships. Only the beliaulah have green or private passports from his friends on the other. The holiday season is not a vacation for him thus a golden opportunity that should be filled with exams and earn some money to buy the book. After a period off, set aside all activities except study. Unlike the other companions, they are; more use summer vacation time to work, look for experience and money without having to take the test.
He got his Diploma of Ing, from Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960, graduating with Honors (perfect) with an average value of 9.5, with the title of engineer, he registering to work in the firm of Talbot, a rail industry Germany. At that time the firm Talbot takes a large volume wagon for transporting goods that are light but big volumes. Talbot takes 1000 wagon. Got a question like that, Habibie tries to apply the construction ways to make aircraft wings that he apply to wagon and finally succeeded.
After that he continued his studies for a doctorate degree at the Technische Hochschule Fuer Die Facultaet Maschinenwesen Aachean then Habibie married in 1962 by Hasri Ainun Habibie who then would go home to Germany, her life gets increasingly hard, in the morning once Habibie sometimes must walk to work that far in order to save her life needs then go home at night and studying for College His wife, Lady Hasri Ainun Habibie must queue up in the General wash to wash clothes to save on necessities of life of the family. In 1965 Dr. Habibie assumed the title Ingenieur with summa honors judgment (perfect) with an average rating of 10 of the Technische Hochschule Facultaet Fuer Die Maschinenwesen Aachean.
Habibie Factor Formula
The formula invented by Habibie named Habibie Factor "because it could count the cracks or krack propagation on random atoms up to the airplane so he dubbed as" Mr. Crack ". In 1967, becoming Honorary Professor (full Professor) at the Bandung Institute of technology. from the same place in 1965. The genius of this achievement and delivering Habibie recognized international institutions of which, Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (Institute for aviation and Space) of Germany, The Royal Aeronautical Society in London (United Kingdom), The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sweden), The Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace (France) and The US Academy of Engineering (United States). While the award gained ever bergensi Habibie among them, Edward Warner von Karman Award Award and that was almost the equivalent of a Nobel Prize. In the country, Habibie received the highest award from the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Ganesh Manggala Bhakti Praja Kencana.
Habibie steps much admired, full of controversy, a lot of admirers, but not a few others do not agree with him. Each time, the award-winning the prestigious Theodore van Karman Award, returned from his "habitat" Germany, he always became news. Habibie after only a year of College at ITB Bandung, 10 years of College to doctoral degree aircraft construction in Germany, where he graduated Summa Cum laude. Then worked in industry leading aircraft MBB Gmbh Germany, before fulfilling the call of President Soeharto to return to Indonesia.
B. J. Habibie Returned To Indonesia
In Indonesia, Habibie served as Minister of State 20 years research & technology/head of BPPT, leading the 10 strategic industries, STATE-OWNED enterprises chosen MPR became Vice President of RI, and was sworn in by Chief Justice becomes President of INDONESIA Suharto replacing became the President of the Republic of Indonesia to a 3. Soeharto handed over the Presidency to Habibie under article 8 of the CONSTITUTION of 1945. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down due to the East Timor referendum vote for independence. The speech Was rejected MPR RI. He returned to ordinary citizens, also migrated back to Germany settled.
At the beginning of December 2012, a film entitled "Ainun Habibie and" launched, the film raised the real story about the romance of the second when teenagers to become husband and wife and as he separated them. Film taken from the best selling book the works of B.J. Habibie, the movie is at work on two directors namely Faozan Rizal Hanung Bramantyo, and with actor Reza Rahadian as Habibie and flower Image Sustainably as Ainun Habibie.
Speech by BJ Habibie when they visit Garuda Indonesia
DIK, you know, I was graduated from high school in 1954! "he opened talks with his distinctive style and calling all the audience with the word" Dik "then he seamlessly continue"President Sukarno, the father of the Proclaimers RI, the most superior orator, it actually has a remarkable vision of brilliant! He was the people's Tongue Connector! He knows just as engineers, Indonesia with geographically thousands of Islands, requires mastery of the technology National Maritime Technology i.e., insightful and Aerospace Technology. At that time, no INSTITUTION and no UI. Superior HIGH SCHOOL students flocked was sent by President Sukarno to foreign countries for Maritime technology and studied aerospace technology. I was second among groups of hundreds of HIGH SCHOOL students were specifically sent to different countries. Our education abroad it is not education crash course but many years of school while working practices. Since the beginning I was only interested in ' how to build commercial aircraft ' for Indonesia. So in fact Mr. Soeharto, President of INDONESIA both just continue only that program, he is not the originator of the idea of application of ' technology ' insightful national in Indonesia. Then we build strategic companies, there is a PT PAL and one of them is IPTN.
Now, you all see Dik himself, N250 aircraft it is not random, contrived! The plane was already flying without experiencing ' Dutch Roll ' (the term ' aircraft for flight capsizes ') excessively, tenologi aircraft was highly sophisticated and prepared for the next 30 years, it can take 5 years to complete the initial design, the only turboprop in the world who use technology ' Fly by Wire ' even to this day. The people of this country and we need it! The plane was already flying 900 hours (I forget the exact 900 or 1900 hours) and another step enter the FAA certification program. IPTN N250 aircraft factory special build in America and Europe to market to those countries. However, Indonesia has always been fond of being cynical and mocking yourself ' what might people make Indonesia an airplane?
Suddenly, the President decided to let IPTN was closed and so did with other strategic industries.
DIK know in this world only 3 countries that closed its industry, one with Nazi Germany because of the trauma, then China (?) and Indonesia. Now, all experts of technology Indonesia forced evicted from our own country and they are scattered in many countries, in particular the aircraft manufacturers in Bazil, Canada, USA and Europe.
Hearts who didn't get sick watching it all?
... I said to the President, give me money 500 million dollars and N250 aircraft will become the hottest beats the ATR, Bombardier, Embraer, Dornier etc and we need not depend by any country. But the decision has been taken and IPTN employees totalling 16 thousand must scavenge windfall in the country people and crazy as again we are buying the aircraft of their country!
Pak Habibie heaved a breath, Pak Habibie continue his talk ....
... The same thing happens on the prototype twin jet engines narrow body, that's my point of inspiration as head of Project N2130. It is not because the son of Habibie, but Ilham is indeed a special school on manufacturing aircraft, if I in fact only experts in the field of metallurgy aircraft. If only the N2130 forwarded, we all don't need to depend on Boeing and Airbus to build bridges in Indonesia.
DIK, in any industry the key it just a QCD,
− Q it Quality, Dik, you have to create everything, high quality and consistent − C it Cost, Dik, press the price as low as possible in order to be able to compete with manufacturers of similar − D it Delivery, make it a habit all production and high quality outcomes and costs most efficient and delivered on time! That's it!
Pak Habibie continue the description of QCD:
.. If I upamakan, Q it the value 1, the C value is also 1 then D value is 1, if added will then become 3. But the workings of QCD not so Dik, an organization that works to mutual synergies so that his name is QCD it could be 300 or 3000 or even 30000 depends very much how you all do it, works should use careful Dik "
Suddenly, pak Habibie as thoughtful a moment to remember something ...
... DIK, I started everything from below, until I was appointed Deputy Director of the leading company in Germany and eventually became President of RI, it's all not a sudden incident. For the past 48 years I never separated by Ainun, mother of my wife Ainun. He follow wherever I go with great affection and a sense of patience. DIK, you guys probably already regular live separate with his wife, you go on duty and the wife at home, but not with me. Gini ya, I am going to love the information ... ... This I just found out that the mother suffered from cancer only Ainun 3 days earlier, never there are signs and there was never a complaint out of mom.
Pak Habibie heaved a long breath and looked once he very emotional as well as experiencing a deep wound, the quarantine room quiet and participated by the pangs of emotion pak Habibie, let alone I felt the tears start without welling up.
With voice quivering and half Sniffling pak Habibie continue ...
... DIK, you know, two weeks after the mother left, one day, I wear Pajamas barefoot and running down in your living room alone while calling out the name of the mother ... Ainun. ... Ainun ... ... ... ... .... Ainun .... .... I am looking for mums in all corners of the House.
The doctor who saw my development after the mother holds ' Habibie could die within 3 months if it continues to put it this way ... ' they told me ' we (doctors) should please Habibie.
The doctors from Germany and Indonesia gathered then he gave me 3 options;
Shortly after his father died, his mother's House and then sell their vehicles and moved to Bandung, after his father along with Habibie, his mother Drudge finance childs life especially Habibie, as willingness to learn Habibie then Gouvernments More study in School. In high school, he began to seem prominent achievements, particularly in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in his school.
Enter ITB and lectures in Germany
Because of his intelligence, after graduating HIGH SCHOOL in bandung in 1954, he entered in the ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung), it was not until there finishes because he gets a scholarship from the Minister of education and culture to continue his studies in Germany, because given the Bung Karno 's message about the importance of aerospace and flight to Indonesia so he chose Aviation Engineering with specialisation in aircraft construction Rhein Westphalia Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) when he arrived in Germany He was determined to dirantau really genuine and should be successful, by remembering his mother's exertion that finance College and his life everyday. A few years later, in 1955 in Aachean, 99% of the students who study in Indonesia there are awarded full scholarships. Only the beliaulah have green or private passports from his friends on the other. The holiday season is not a vacation for him thus a golden opportunity that should be filled with exams and earn some money to buy the book. After a period off, set aside all activities except study. Unlike the other companions, they are; more use summer vacation time to work, look for experience and money without having to take the test.
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B. j. Habibie when giving Lectures |
After that he continued his studies for a doctorate degree at the Technische Hochschule Fuer Die Facultaet Maschinenwesen Aachean then Habibie married in 1962 by Hasri Ainun Habibie who then would go home to Germany, her life gets increasingly hard, in the morning once Habibie sometimes must walk to work that far in order to save her life needs then go home at night and studying for College His wife, Lady Hasri Ainun Habibie must queue up in the General wash to wash clothes to save on necessities of life of the family. In 1965 Dr. Habibie assumed the title Ingenieur with summa honors judgment (perfect) with an average rating of 10 of the Technische Hochschule Facultaet Fuer Die Maschinenwesen Aachean.
Habibie Factor Formula
The formula invented by Habibie named Habibie Factor "because it could count the cracks or krack propagation on random atoms up to the airplane so he dubbed as" Mr. Crack ". In 1967, becoming Honorary Professor (full Professor) at the Bandung Institute of technology. from the same place in 1965. The genius of this achievement and delivering Habibie recognized international institutions of which, Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (Institute for aviation and Space) of Germany, The Royal Aeronautical Society in London (United Kingdom), The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sweden), The Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace (France) and The US Academy of Engineering (United States). While the award gained ever bergensi Habibie among them, Edward Warner von Karman Award Award and that was almost the equivalent of a Nobel Prize. In the country, Habibie received the highest award from the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Ganesh Manggala Bhakti Praja Kencana.
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B. j. Habibie and Lady Ainun Habibie |
B. J. Habibie Returned To Indonesia
In Indonesia, Habibie served as Minister of State 20 years research & technology/head of BPPT, leading the 10 strategic industries, STATE-OWNED enterprises chosen MPR became Vice President of RI, and was sworn in by Chief Justice becomes President of INDONESIA Suharto replacing became the President of the Republic of Indonesia to a 3. Soeharto handed over the Presidency to Habibie under article 8 of the CONSTITUTION of 1945. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down due to the East Timor referendum vote for independence. The speech Was rejected MPR RI. He returned to ordinary citizens, also migrated back to Germany settled.
.... I said to the President, give me money 500 million dollars and N250 aircraft will become the hottest beats the ATR, Bombardier, Embraer, Dornier etc and we need not depend by any country. But the decision has been taken and IPTN employees totalling 16 thousand must scavenge windfall in the country people and crazy as the more we buy a plane from their country!On May 22, 2010, Hasri Ainun Habibie, the wife of B.J. Habibie, died in the Hospital of Ludwig Maximilians Universitat, Klinikum, Munich, Germany. He died on Saturday 17.30 local time or 22.30 pm. The finality of the death of Ali certainty Hasri Ainun Mochtar Ngabalin, former member of Parliament who was appointed Deputy family BJ Habibie. This becomes a very deep mourning for ex-President Habibie and the people of Indonesia who felt lost. For Habibie, Ainun is everything. Ainun is eyes to see his life. For Ainun Habibie, is everything, the love of his life. But every story has an end, every dream has a limit.
.... For the past 48 years I never separated by Ainun, mother of my wife Ainun. He follow wherever I go with great affection and a sense of patience. DIK, you guys probably already regular live separate with his wife, you go on duty and the wife at home, but not with me. Gini ya ... I am going to love this new information, I know that mother contracted cancer Ainun just 3 days earlier, never there are signs and there was never a complaint out of mothers, "Said B.J. Habibie.Ainun Habibie and film
At the beginning of December 2012, a film entitled "Ainun Habibie and" launched, the film raised the real story about the romance of the second when teenagers to become husband and wife and as he separated them. Film taken from the best selling book the works of B.J. Habibie, the movie is at work on two directors namely Faozan Rizal Hanung Bramantyo, and with actor Reza Rahadian as Habibie and flower Image Sustainably as Ainun Habibie.
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Ainun Habibie and book |
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Habibie and Aiunun Movie cover |
DIK, you know, I was graduated from high school in 1954! "he opened talks with his distinctive style and calling all the audience with the word" Dik "then he seamlessly continue"President Sukarno, the father of the Proclaimers RI, the most superior orator, it actually has a remarkable vision of brilliant! He was the people's Tongue Connector! He knows just as engineers, Indonesia with geographically thousands of Islands, requires mastery of the technology National Maritime Technology i.e., insightful and Aerospace Technology. At that time, no INSTITUTION and no UI. Superior HIGH SCHOOL students flocked was sent by President Sukarno to foreign countries for Maritime technology and studied aerospace technology. I was second among groups of hundreds of HIGH SCHOOL students were specifically sent to different countries. Our education abroad it is not education crash course but many years of school while working practices. Since the beginning I was only interested in ' how to build commercial aircraft ' for Indonesia. So in fact Mr. Soeharto, President of INDONESIA both just continue only that program, he is not the originator of the idea of application of ' technology ' insightful national in Indonesia. Then we build strategic companies, there is a PT PAL and one of them is IPTN.
Now, you all see Dik himself, N250 aircraft it is not random, contrived! The plane was already flying without experiencing ' Dutch Roll ' (the term ' aircraft for flight capsizes ') excessively, tenologi aircraft was highly sophisticated and prepared for the next 30 years, it can take 5 years to complete the initial design, the only turboprop in the world who use technology ' Fly by Wire ' even to this day. The people of this country and we need it! The plane was already flying 900 hours (I forget the exact 900 or 1900 hours) and another step enter the FAA certification program. IPTN N250 aircraft factory special build in America and Europe to market to those countries. However, Indonesia has always been fond of being cynical and mocking yourself ' what might people make Indonesia an airplane?
Suddenly, the President decided to let IPTN was closed and so did with other strategic industries.
DIK know in this world only 3 countries that closed its industry, one with Nazi Germany because of the trauma, then China (?) and Indonesia. Now, all experts of technology Indonesia forced evicted from our own country and they are scattered in many countries, in particular the aircraft manufacturers in Bazil, Canada, USA and Europe.
Hearts who didn't get sick watching it all?
... I said to the President, give me money 500 million dollars and N250 aircraft will become the hottest beats the ATR, Bombardier, Embraer, Dornier etc and we need not depend by any country. But the decision has been taken and IPTN employees totalling 16 thousand must scavenge windfall in the country people and crazy as again we are buying the aircraft of their country!
Pak Habibie heaved a breath, Pak Habibie continue his talk ....
... The same thing happens on the prototype twin jet engines narrow body, that's my point of inspiration as head of Project N2130. It is not because the son of Habibie, but Ilham is indeed a special school on manufacturing aircraft, if I in fact only experts in the field of metallurgy aircraft. If only the N2130 forwarded, we all don't need to depend on Boeing and Airbus to build bridges in Indonesia.
DIK, in any industry the key it just a QCD,
− Q it Quality, Dik, you have to create everything, high quality and consistent − C it Cost, Dik, press the price as low as possible in order to be able to compete with manufacturers of similar − D it Delivery, make it a habit all production and high quality outcomes and costs most efficient and delivered on time! That's it!
Pak Habibie continue the description of QCD:
.. If I upamakan, Q it the value 1, the C value is also 1 then D value is 1, if added will then become 3. But the workings of QCD not so Dik, an organization that works to mutual synergies so that his name is QCD it could be 300 or 3000 or even 30000 depends very much how you all do it, works should use careful Dik "
Suddenly, pak Habibie as thoughtful a moment to remember something ...
... DIK, I started everything from below, until I was appointed Deputy Director of the leading company in Germany and eventually became President of RI, it's all not a sudden incident. For the past 48 years I never separated by Ainun, mother of my wife Ainun. He follow wherever I go with great affection and a sense of patience. DIK, you guys probably already regular live separate with his wife, you go on duty and the wife at home, but not with me. Gini ya, I am going to love the information ... ... This I just found out that the mother suffered from cancer only Ainun 3 days earlier, never there are signs and there was never a complaint out of mom.
Pak Habibie heaved a long breath and looked once he very emotional as well as experiencing a deep wound, the quarantine room quiet and participated by the pangs of emotion pak Habibie, let alone I felt the tears start without welling up.
With voice quivering and half Sniffling pak Habibie continue ...
... DIK, you know, two weeks after the mother left, one day, I wear Pajamas barefoot and running down in your living room alone while calling out the name of the mother ... Ainun. ... Ainun ... ... ... ... .... Ainun .... .... I am looking for mums in all corners of the House.
The doctor who saw my development after the mother holds ' Habibie could die within 3 months if it continues to put it this way ... ' they told me ' we (doctors) should please Habibie.
The doctors from Germany and Indonesia gathered then he gave me 3 options;
- First, I should be treated, were given special medication until I can continue living independently. I mean it's crazy and must be treated in a mental hospital!
- The second option, the doctor will visit me at home, I have to consult constantly with them and I should be taking the drug. Just the same, it means I've been insane and must be supervised constantly ...
- A third option, I told them to write anything about my storytelling, suppose Ainun with Ainun as if the mother is still alive.
I chose the third option ...
* (from the impressions of the program on January 27, 2012, p. Habibie tells the story, it turns out there are 4 options, instead of 3, where the options that have not been mentioned above is p. Habibie asked told me about anything about bu Ainun to doctors, almost the same as option 2)
Suddenly, pak Habibie as remembered something (we are wont to listen to he also definitely be advised that pak Habibie talk style like jumping around there and sometimes cut off because he thought process seems faster than the speed of talking in conveying something). He continued his talk;
DIK, today is exactly the day I left 600 Ainun ... .... and today exactly 597 days Garuda Indonesia to pick up and return from Germany to Ainun mother homeland Indonesia.
I don't want to convey a thank you via mail ... ... ... I wait for the good days, weeks and months to find the right moment to deliver the contents of my heart. Today accompanied by my son and my nephew, Inspiration From my then, Habibie on behalf of the entire family of Habibie thanked him profusely, you guys, Garuda Indonesia has sent a Boeing B747-400 to pick us up in Germany and the mother's return to the motherland even Ainun buried her in the garden of the tomb of the hero. It is indeed a great honor for our family. Again, I say thank you for the help of Garuda Indonesia.
The entire audience terhenyak and I can't power again stem the tears ... ....
After a pause for some time, pak Habibie continue his talk;
... DIK, such a lot of expression of heart's content to Ainun, then some relatives suggested that all my writings is appended only, and I agree ...
The book was actually told me about the tangle of love between two human beings. There are no elements of ethnicity, religion, or race. The content of this book is very universal, with the charge of national culture of Indonesia. Now this book at the request of many people has been translated to several languages, among others United Kingdom, Arabic, Japan. ... (I forget exactly, but pak Habibie mentions 4 or 5 foreign languages). Unfortunately this book is only sold in a bookstore (pak Habibie take the name of a large Bookstore) 75000 copies printed, and straight up. A lot of people who want to read this book but don't know where to purchase. Some people in the area outside of the big cities in Indonesia also complained of where can I buy this book in their city.
DIK, you know, all the money this book sales results was not one penny to enrich the Habibie family or Habibie. All sales of this book results money put into the accounts of the Foundation set up by Ainun Habibie and mother to menyantuni disabled people, one of them is the family of tuna netra. Pity they actually could work comfortably if could see.
I give a discount of 30% for a large number of book buyers even I add more 10% discount for them because I know they bought a lot of books sure to be sold back to the other.
Once again, this book is the story of the love of the son of man universal since it doesn't have anything to become President of the Republic of Indonesia and the mother country. Its content is very inspiring. "
Most recently, he Works in calculating and designing some of the projects making the aircraft:
* (from the impressions of the program on January 27, 2012, p. Habibie tells the story, it turns out there are 4 options, instead of 3, where the options that have not been mentioned above is p. Habibie asked told me about anything about bu Ainun to doctors, almost the same as option 2)
Suddenly, pak Habibie as remembered something (we are wont to listen to he also definitely be advised that pak Habibie talk style like jumping around there and sometimes cut off because he thought process seems faster than the speed of talking in conveying something). He continued his talk;
DIK, today is exactly the day I left 600 Ainun ... .... and today exactly 597 days Garuda Indonesia to pick up and return from Germany to Ainun mother homeland Indonesia.
I don't want to convey a thank you via mail ... ... ... I wait for the good days, weeks and months to find the right moment to deliver the contents of my heart. Today accompanied by my son and my nephew, Inspiration From my then, Habibie on behalf of the entire family of Habibie thanked him profusely, you guys, Garuda Indonesia has sent a Boeing B747-400 to pick us up in Germany and the mother's return to the motherland even Ainun buried her in the garden of the tomb of the hero. It is indeed a great honor for our family. Again, I say thank you for the help of Garuda Indonesia.
The entire audience terhenyak and I can't power again stem the tears ... ....
After a pause for some time, pak Habibie continue his talk;
... DIK, such a lot of expression of heart's content to Ainun, then some relatives suggested that all my writings is appended only, and I agree ...
The book was actually told me about the tangle of love between two human beings. There are no elements of ethnicity, religion, or race. The content of this book is very universal, with the charge of national culture of Indonesia. Now this book at the request of many people has been translated to several languages, among others United Kingdom, Arabic, Japan. ... (I forget exactly, but pak Habibie mentions 4 or 5 foreign languages). Unfortunately this book is only sold in a bookstore (pak Habibie take the name of a large Bookstore) 75000 copies printed, and straight up. A lot of people who want to read this book but don't know where to purchase. Some people in the area outside of the big cities in Indonesia also complained of where can I buy this book in their city.
DIK, you know, all the money this book sales results was not one penny to enrich the Habibie family or Habibie. All sales of this book results money put into the accounts of the Foundation set up by Ainun Habibie and mother to menyantuni disabled people, one of them is the family of tuna netra. Pity they actually could work comfortably if could see.
I give a discount of 30% for a large number of book buyers even I add more 10% discount for them because I know they bought a lot of books sure to be sold back to the other.
Once again, this book is the story of the love of the son of man universal since it doesn't have anything to become President of the Republic of Indonesia and the mother country. Its content is very inspiring. "
Most recently, he Works in calculating and designing some of the projects making the aircraft:
- VTOL (Vertical Take Off & Landing) transport aircraft DO-31.
- Military transport aircraft TRANSALL C-130.
- 320 Hansa Jet aircraft (the Executive).
- The Airbus A-300 (for 300 passengers)
- Casa CN-235
- The n-250
And indirectly participated in calculating and designing:
- · The BO-105 helicopter.
- · Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA).
- · Some of the missile and satellite projects.
Most Sign Service/Honor B. J. Habibie:
- 1976-1998, President Director of PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry IPTN./
- 1978-1998 Minister for research and technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Chairman of the Agency for assessment and application of technology/BPPT
- 1978-1998 President Director PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero).
- 1978-1998 Chairman of The Batam Island Industrial Area Development/Opdip Batam.
- 1980-1998 Chairman of the Defence Industry Security development team (Presidential Decree No. No. 40, 1980)
- 1983-1998 Director of PT Pindad (Persero).
- 1988-1998 Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of strategic Industries.
- 1989-1998 Chairman of the Strategic Industry Manager/BPIS.
- 1990-1998 Chairman of the Muslim Intellectuals se-lndonesia/lCMI.
- 1993 Council Presidium Coordinator daily, builders of the Golkar.
- 10 March-20 May 1998 Vice President of Indonesia
- 21 May 1998-October 1999 the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
That's a bit of a story about a biography of b. j. Habibie, many interesting and inspiring things to be learned from the story of struggle, he along with his wife, Lady Ainun Habibie. Hopefully this article can be beneficial and useful to the readers
Here's a list of the profile or biography of the President who has headed the Indonesia:
Here's a list of the profile or biography of the President who has headed the Indonesia:
- Biography Of Sukarno The First President Of Indonesia
- Suharto's Biography The Second President Of Indonesia
- Biography Of B. J. Habibie The Third President Of Indonesia
- Biography Of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Wahid) Fourth President Of Indonesia
- Biography Of Megawati Soekarno Putri The fifth President of Indonesia
- Biography Of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono The Sixth President Of Indonesia
- Biography Of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Seventh President Of Indonesia (Now)
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